Todo/Change Log

A list of what has been changed and what will be changed.

If you want to see any changes, or would like to submit any of your own changes, please contact the project at Full credit will be given to any submissions.

To keep up-to-date with the changes subscribe to the RSS Feed RSS feed.


  • Create an interface to set wireless channels/config etc and then save it to a preferences file
  • Write more auto run scripts
  • Add iptable rules such as Upside-Down-Ternet
  • Make more use of the ruby cgi library, at the moment I'm only using a small part of it
  • Add the facility to monitor web browsing for a specific user - suggested by digip
  • Work out what interfaces exist before creating/destroying one on start up
  • Integrate macchanger - suggested by Nils
  • Integrate a deauth attack, either by Lorcon or parts of the Fon Bomb - suggested by .exe


Nov 17th 2008

Release 2.0

Nov 5th 2008

Release 2.0 rc1

Module system - I'm going to document this fully but basically you create your script which obeys a couple of simple rules and drop it into the scripts directory. It will then appear in the connected clients drop down list. As an example of what can be done I've created two script, echo which just echos out what was passed in and portscan which will do a TCP port scan against the connected clients IP. If they haven't got an IP yet then you will get an error. All output is sent to the log file but there is a slight problems here, as the log file shown on screen is reversed so you always see the latest entry at the top you get the log output in reverse order. I thought about dumping it to the log file backwards so that it came out in the interface the right way round but didn't like that option so it is as it is for now, if anyone can suggest a better way to do it I'm happy to listen to suggestions.

Moved log file - I moved the log file from /karma/log to /tmp, this will prevent filling the flash

Used the wlan led to indicate whether Karma is enabled or not - This requires a new dependency, kmod-gpio, you can get this from my site, see the links below. Unfortunately this package has a bug in it so the module isn't loaded on boot at it should be. To fix this, after you've installed it you need to run

echo proc_gpio > /etc/modules.d/80-gpio

MAC address filtering - I've added the standard madwifi MAC address filtering to the interface. It is very similar to the SSID black/white listing but it has 3 states, off, black and white. I can't find a way to request the current state from the drivers so I've had to store the state in a temporary file, it should cause any problems as long as you don't start setting the state by hand, if you do then you know enough to not worry about the interface.

Sept 19th 2008

Another bug in the Jasager package install script - This will get better when I have a Fon I can actually install packages on!

Sept 18th 2008

Fixed a path bug in the Jasager package install script

Sept 17th 2008

Project launched